About Me

2025-01-05: A lot of changes happened since 11/24/2024. I'm now building Kin Domi, Inc, and sharing my journey at Substack: Domi's Mind Waves.

2023-02-22: Nothing much changed since 2018, here is my story from 2018 to 2023. Everything changed since chatGPT, here is my reaction.

Hi! I received my Ph.D. in Applied Physics & Astrophysics from the University of Texas at Arlington.

My vision is to empower people to collaborate better. The largest achievements are done through collaborations (science, corporations, societies). As we approach the biological limit of adaptability with the exploding information, we are struggling to solve the environmental, ecological, economic, sociological challenges collaboratively.

My focus to battle the challenges includes,

  1. how to communicate better (effective & efficient) based on personality;
  2. how to organize better (optimized team & motivating) based on sociology.

Read more about my manifesto.


I am curious about:

Roadmap of life:

  1. Devote early age to extend human knowledge.
  2. Help make the world a little bit different through social change and, hopefully, make a difference.
  3. Promote talented individuals as best as I can.

This is a future I imaged.

Contact Info

Email: contact at domij dot info

LinkedIn: Domi Jin