Graduate Advisor
April 27th, 2018
LoGal: galaxy within 30 Mpc
GClib: 662,772 GCs over 7,909 Galaxy
GClib models:
GClib model diversity:
BBHlib: extracted BBHs from 3,240 GC simulations
BBHdata: 17,883,760 BBHs with host galaxy info. + host GC info. + BBH info.
Merger event rate (6.1.3)
Localizationable BBHs: 14
PGC Dist M1 M2 Seperation Ecc
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 12.728000 19.122000 0.157281 0.852028
616 2.188 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 20.632000 137.730000 0.178258 0.477929
1628 0.787 21.424999 25.615999 0.165200 0.750944
1628 0.787 28.433001 26.503000 0.175125 0.813286
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
131228 0.762 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 3.158000 10.250000 0.807000 0.000000
1628 0.787 5.319600 10.276000 0.974700 0.000000
1627 0.813 5.319600 10.276000 0.974700 0.000000
due to ~
symbol => impute ~
as NaN and parse data type to float[=] check duplicates: explain pandas table, duplicated galaxies with Dist > 30 Mpc => drop
extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view
spatial distribution and edge galaxies
check interesting features
1- 7 I7 --- PGC [2,4715229]? Identifier from HYPERLEDA
(empty for globular clusters)
9- 36 A28 --- Name Common name of galaxy or globular
38- 46 F9.5 h RAhour Right ascension (J2000, decimal hours)
48- 55 F8.4 deg DEdeg Declination (J2000)
57- 60 F4.1 --- TT [-9,10]? Morphological type code (1)
62- 66 F5.2 mag Bmag ? Apparent blue magnitude
68- 74 F7.3 arcmin a ? Major diameter (arcmins)
76- 82 F7.3 arcmin e_a ? Error in major diameter (arcmins)
84- 90 F7.3 arcmin b ? Minor diameter (arcmins)
92- 98 F7.3 arcmin e_b ? Error in minor diameter (arcmins)
100-104 F5.3 --- b/a [0,1]? Ratio of minor to major diameters
106-110 F5.3 --- e_b/a ? Error on ratio of minor to major diameters
112-116 F5.1 deg PA [0,180]? Position angle of galaxy
(degrees from north through east)
118-123 F6.2 mag BMAG ? Absolute blue magnitude
125-131 F7.2 Mpc Dist ? Distance (Mpc)
133-138 F6.2 Mpc e_Dist ? error on Distance (Mpc)
140-143 F4.2 mag e_Bmag ? error on Apparent blue magnitude
145-148 F4.2 mag e_BMAG ? error on Absolute blue magnitude
# 1. load GWGC data
GWGC=pd.read_csv(path_GWGC, delim_whitespace=True)
for key, n in Counter(GWGC.dtypes).most_common():
print("'%s' (count %d): \n - %s" % (key, n, '\n - '.join(x for x in GWGC.columns[GWGC.dtypes==key])))
'object' (count 19): - Name - Type - App_Mag_B - err_App_Mag_B - Abs_Mag_B - err_Abs_Mag_B - App_Mag_I - err_App_Mag_I - Abs_Mag_I - err_Abs_Mag_I - App_Mag_K - err_App_Mag_K - Maj_Diam(a) - err_Maj_Diam - Min_Diam(b) - err_Min_Diam - b/a - err_b/a - PA 'float64' (count 4): - RA - Dec - Dist - err_Dist 'int64' (count 1): - PGC
# 1-. convert to numeric, impute '~' as NaN
for key in GWGC:
if key != 'Name':
GWGC[key]=pd.to_numeric(GWGC[key], errors='coerce')
# 2. check duplicates, duplicated galaxies with Dist > 30 Mpc
display(GWGC[GWGC.Name.duplicated(keep=False)] \
.loc[: ,['Name','Dist','err_Dist','RA','Dec','Type','App_Mag_B']])
Name | Dist | err_Dist | RA | Dec | Type | App_Mag_B | |
63638 | PGC138606 | 34.347 | 5.152 | 3.18005 | 61.105202 | 5.0 | 16.32 |
68443 | PGC166081 | 72.361 | 15.919 | 4.09247 | 71.469597 | 7.0 | 17.47 |
68880 | PGC166081 | 24.847 | 3.727 | 4.09246 | 71.469470 | NaN | 17.39 |
130474 | PGC138606 | 35.569 | 7.825 | 3.17891 | 61.113250 | 1.2 | 15.51 |
178917 | 6dFJ1705055-200214 | 112.653 | 24.784 | 17.08485 | -20.037250 | NaN | NaN |
178919 | 6dFJ1704153-203840 | 117.694 | 25.893 | 17.07090 | -20.644350 | NaN | NaN |
179298 | 6dFJ1705055-200214 | 112.653 | 24.784 | 17.08485 | -20.037250 | NaN | NaN |
179620 | 6dFJ1704153-203840 | 116.194 | 25.563 | 17.07090 | -20.644350 | NaN | NaN |
[x] check duplicates
[=] extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view: 8,946 galaxies out of 183,327, present in 3D plot
spatial distribution and edge galaxies: present in distplot
check interesting features
# 3. extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view [slow]
GWGC['Mcat'] = 'Unknown'
GWGC['iMType'] = 0
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-4,-3)] = 'E/S0'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-4,-3)] = 6
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(0,11)] = 'S/Irr'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(0,11)] = 1
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-6,-4)] = 'E'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-6,-4)] = 2
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-3,0)] = 'S0'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-3,0)] = 3
LoGal = GWGC[GWGC.Dist<30]
if not flag_skip:
fig = figure(figsize=sfig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
alpha=0.1,s=2,edgecolors=None) # all GWGCs
LoGal.Dist*np.cos((90-LoGal.Dec)/180*pi),alpha=0.1,c='g',s=2,edgecolors=None) # all LoGals
ax.view_init(20, 90)
r = [-100, 100]
for s, e in combinations(np.array(list(product(r, r, r))), 2):
if np.sum(np.abs(s-e)) == r[1]-r[0]:
ax.plot3D(*zip(s, e), color="k") # box to show orientation
ax.set_title('%d galaxies out of the %d galaxies are located in the Local Universe (within 30 Mpc)'
% (len(LoGal), len(GWGC)))
if flag_svfg:
fig.savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC3D.jpeg'),**params_svfg)
ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC3D.jpeg')))